- Exploring a motivational approach to curb employee theft in FMCG retailing in South Africa
- Exploring new developments and trends in Retail Education
- Graduate Placement Final Report
- Impact Evaluation Tool Study Final Report
- Research Report for Nobantu Project
- Skills for the Future Final Report
- W&RSETA Addressing the skills gap in South Africa
- Summative Research Publication 2023
- Impact Evaluation Study on The Youth Focus Project
- Impact Evaluation Study on the Rural Areas Learnership (Informal Small Business Practice)
- Project 2022/1 - OMNI-Channel Retailing: Low-income Consumers’ Experience
- Project 2022/2 - Towards Enterprising Fuel Retailers
Strategic review of suitable learning programmes/ interventions for the employed and unemployed
Impact Studies: An impact study on the Bursary and Placements Funding Model/Grant
Impact Studies: An impact study of W&R programmes on persons with Disabilities
The Training Providers from the Previously Disadvantaged Groups
- Workplace Based Learning (WBL): Tracer Study - Learnerships
- Workplace Based Learning (WBL): Tracer Study - Internships
- Assessment of Skills Development Interventions to Support Graduates with Access to Sector Employment and Entrepreneurship Opportunities.
- The Evaluation of Blended Learning and Training Interventions
- Implications of the 4th Industrial Revolution on New Jobs in Ecommerce, Digitisation, and Innovation
- The Impact of Pivotal Programmes toward the Implementation of Transformational Imperatives 2017/18, I.E., Disabled, Youth and Women: (Gauteng, Western Cape, Kwazulu-Natal, Free State, and Limpopo Participation)
- The Economic and Social Impact Of Covid-19 on the Wholesale and Retail Sector
- Implications of the 4th Industrial Revolution on New Jobs in Ecommerce, Digitisation, and Innovation
- Technology Trends & Challenges for Retail Managers in SA, with Special Emphasis on e-Retailing
- Impact Assessment: International Leadership Development Programme (ILDP)
- Impact Assessment Retail Management Development Programme (RMDP)
- Impact of the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR) on Employment and Growth in the Wholesale and Retail Sector
- Mentoring Model Using Retail Retirees to Develop Skills of New Retail Managers
- Impact Assessments for 2019/20: Fuel Retail Organisations (Associations)
- Project 2019/24: Decolonization and its Application to Existing RBM Programs: The Power of Indigenous Knowledge
- The Impact Evaluation of the W&RSETA2015/16 -2019/20 Strategic Plan Projects (National Participation)
- The Role of Community Education and Training Colleges in Increasing Employability
- Report 1 Benchmarking National and International Career Guidance Practice
- Report 4 New Career Opportunities in the Wholesale & Retail Sector Resulting from 4th Industrial Revolution
- 2019_32 Internal Controls & and Financial Objectives of Retail SMMEs
- 2019_33 Source Document usage and Financial Sustainability in SMMEs
- The Pros and Cons of Franchising for Chain Stores and Franchises
- Financial Management and Governance for Small, Medium and Micro-Enterprises in the Wholesale and Retail Sector
- Macro-Economic and Retail Trade Sales Forecast for South Africa,2018
- How to Design and Harness the Value of Workplace Learning in Wholesale and Retail
- Impact Assessment of the Qualification Management Body (QMB)
- Talent Management Tool for Attracting, Developing and Retaining W&R Skills, Final Report
- Occupations Contributing Towards Green Skills within the Wholesale and Retail Sector of the South African Economy
- Evaluation on Customer Centricity in South African Retail Business Strategy and Processes
- Project 2015/16 Towards Effective Work-Integrated Learning in the South African Retail SMEs Sector Report
- South African Disability Development Trust (SADDT) Final Impact Assessment Research Report
- Project 2014/09:The Nature of Existing and Emerging Cooperatives in the Wholesale and Retail Sector, February 2016
- Project-2015_15-Report: A Model-for-Wil-CPUT-Store
- Project 2015-15: A Model to Operate and Use a Retail Store for Workplace Experience and Research on the Cape Peninsula University
- Project 2015/14: Financing for SMEs Start-Ups, and Expansion for Established SMMEs, in the Retail Sector
- Strategy Alignment of the South African Retail Sector with the National Development Plan: Vision 2030. A Summary
- 2014-05 Expansion into Africa by SA Retailers Report
- Project 2014/09: The Nature of Existing and Emerging Cooperatives in the Wholesale and Retail Sector
- Retail's Contribution to, and Strategies for, Job Creation and Retention Report
- E-Business Developments and Skills Requirements in the Retail Sector Report
- Project 2014/03 Retail's Contribution to, and Strategies for, Job Creation and Retention